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Indigo 0-30 in hg, 0-30 PSI Boost Gauge

Pricing: $70.00


in-di-go \in-di,go\ n:

1: the color of light between 440 to 420 nanometers in wavelength, placing it between blue and violet


2: the color of the 2 lastest generations of Volkswagen instrument panels


3: a new gauge family from NewSouth Performance, specifically designed for Volkswagens.</BR<
Using the identical LEDs that light the Mk4/Mk5/B6/B7 Volkswagen instrument panel, the Indigo gauges are a new, cost-effective option for VW enthusiasts.


With details such as a lighted red needle, a backlit black gauge face, and lettering that matches the instrumentation, the Indigo gauges will give you that factory look.


Pre-wired and complete with connectors, and fittings, the Indigo boost gauge is an economic and simple solution for matching your Volkswagen instrumentation.

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Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 0.8 lbs.
  • W3.0000” x H3.0000” x L3.0000”