Chilled cast material is the industry standard for quality OHC performance cams. It is perfectly suitable for most applications, including the ALH TDI. However, PD engines [like BEW, BHW, BRM , PD130, PD150] subject cams to unique stresses that require, at a minimum, a special forged cam. Our COLT cams are fully machined from forged steel billets. The resulting product is stronger, harder, and tougher than the cam that came in your car from the factory.
These new-from-billet COLT pumpe duse (PD) cams are superior to any oem or oem-style aftermarket replacement camshaft.
Here's a typical customer review. Please note, this particular customer's car has dynoed more than 200 HP at the wheels, but our Colt Billet camshafts will even improve car that are otherwise completely stock:
"Colt stage II cam has been in for a day now. It's been hot (90+) but I can see the smoke level is down"
The original equipment Pumpe Duse camshafts, in particular, have developed a reputation for premature wear. While the oils used, cold starts, and other user-dependent variables can influence the life of your Pumpe duse camshaft, many if not most of the premature failures can be traced to what many consider to be an inherently flawed design. In fact, most of our customers didn't come looking for a performance cam, but instead find us after they discover they need to replace it out of necessity!
One problem: OEM style PD cams have a severe initial ramp angle that exacerbates the problems inherent in the shallow hardness depth found in the OEM cams and oem-style replacements. COLT optimizes the cam lobe geometry to reduce the high loads in this area of the cam profile. COLT pioneered this often-copied innovation, which can't be found in an OEM-spec cam! (or "regrinds" of an OEM cam)
Also consider: Our Colt Cams start as a solid forged blank (or "billet" if you will) with inherently superior metallurgy. The "budget" aftermarket OEM oem-style replacements (and any regrinds based on them) are based on cheap to manufacture, but much less durable, chill cast materials. In the PD cars, chilled cast cams will not provide the long service life that TDI owners have come to expect, because any hardness is only "skin deep". By comparison: The base metal used in Colt cams is already tougher than oem, and induction hardening, to a depth of several times that found in other cams, ensures unrivaled wear characteristics. Although others may offer extra-cost "add-on" treatments as a way to compensate for the soft materials, all of our new from billet Colt Cams come with superior materials and hardened surfaces at no extra cost.
Colt Cams solve these problems for once and for all- THIS IS THE LAST CAMSHAFT YOU WILL EVER HAVE TO BUY!! The combination of superior materials and optimized geometry allows us to offer a 5 year /unlimited mile warranty when a COLT CAM is purchased with one of our installation kits!! For most people this is effectively a lifetime warranty. Even if you didn't come looking for a performance cam, a new COLT will provide the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you will never have to worry about your cam again, for as long as you are likely to own your car.
We have no reservations about calling these the finest camshafts you can buy for your TDI powered car with Pumpe Duse unit injectors. We are proud to be the exclusive distributor of these ultimate billet PD cams in the USA.
Note: Most oil companies have taken out a percentage of additives that are meant for anti-scuffing for break in on flat tappet cams, kermaTDI supplies the best camshaft installation additive with the every Colt Cam
2004-2006 Volkwagen New Beetle with 1.9L BEW PD / Pumpe Duse engines
2004-2006 Volkwagen Golf with 1.9L BEW PD / Pumpe Duse engines
2004-2005 Volkwagen Jetta with 1.9L BEW PD / Pumpe Duse engines
2004-2006 Volkwagen Jetta Wagon w/ 1.9L BEW PD / Pumpe Duse engines
Our basic Cam install parts kit includes: | ||
Quantity | Part number | description |
(8 each) | 038 109 309 C | Black Nitrite Cam followers |
(10 each) | 038 103 673 B GLB | Cam bearing shells |
(10 each) | 038 103 714 | OEM Journal cap bolts M6X54 - 1 time use |
(8 each) | 038 103 714 A | Injector rocker bolts M8X90 - 1 time use |
(1 each) | 038 103 085 C | camseal |
(1 each) | 038 145 215 | OEM Tandem pump gasket |
(1 each) | 55-400 |
Cam Break-in Lube - Federal Mogul |
(1 each) |
Zdd Plus | Zdd Plus Zinc Additive |
Deluxe Cam change kit adds the parts from our deluxe timing belt kit: | ||
Quantity | Part number | description |
(1 each) | 038 109 119 P | 100,000 mile timing Belt |
(1 each) | 6DPK1195 | serpentine Belt |
(1 each) | 038 109 243M | timing belt tensioner |
(1 each) | 038 109 244J | roller |
(1 each) | 038 121 011 G | water pump (with metal impeller) |
(1.5 liter) | G13 | 1.5 L G13 Coolant |
(1 each) | N 103 280 01 | engine bracket bolt long |
(2 each) | N 105 167 01 | engine mount to body bolt |
(2 each) | N 102 096 05 | engine Mount to bracket bolt |
(2 each) | N 907 124 01 | engine bracket bolt short |
(1 each) | N 015 083 11 | 8mm lock nut for roller |
(1 each) | 038 109 454A | 8mm lock nut for tensioner |
(1 each) | 038 103 483D | Valve Cover Gasket |
Bonus! Oil change kit and filter pack with deluxe kit! | ||
Quantity | Part number | description |
(5 Liters) | LM2022 | Premium motor oil (contact us for specific brand availability) 505.00/505.01 |
(1 each) | 074115562 | Oil Filter |
(1 each) | 1J0819644 | Cabin Filter |
(1 each) | 1J0129620A | air filter (cold region version available, contact us for this option) |
(1 each) | 1J0127401A | fuel filter |
Be careful: There are many so called Performance Camshafts available in the market today at half the manufacturing cost of a quality steel billet camshafts like these. While this results in higher profits for the retailer, those El-cheapo Camshafts are not simply designed to handle the unique stress that is applied in a VW TDI cam, which can result in premature failure to the cam lobe areas.
Note: VW PD engines [like BEW, BHW, BRM , PD130, PD150] require a special cam made a fully machined from bar stock steel billets. We are the exclusive supplier of these ultimate billet PD cams.
Our new-from-billet cams certainly qualify as over-the top in our quality and materials. We did more than we had to and as a result these cams should outlast your car.
Cam Lube on all lobes, lifter faces, distributor gears and oil pump gears.
Oil all bearing journals and lifter barrels.
Always turn engine over by hand before starting, check for clearances and
proper timing location.
Fire up to 1800 2000 r.p.m. for 18 20 minutes.